Hello from Brussels. While the city’s transportation system has been struggling to keep up with the sudden snow, the election train has been chugging along. Both the Greens and the EPP seem to be finalising their election strategies drafting and sending notes to various governing bodies.
At FEAD, we’ve been busy welcoming our new member from Portugal, CÍRCULO. Read our press release.
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Waste Framework Directive (WFD): The WFD continues to incite reactions from different sectors. After the release of a joint position paper by the waste management sector, initiated by FEAD, at the end of 2023, it is the turn of NGOs, including Zero Waste Europe, and industrial lobbies, such as sorting-machinery manufactures and the packaging and beverage industry. In a letter published on 12 January, they pleaded for a mandatory sorting of mixed waste before incineration and landfilling. Lead ban: In a 17 January letter in response to MEP Tomáš Zdechovský (EPP, Czechia)’s question, Commissioner Thierry Breton said that there will not be a ban on lead. In April 2023, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) recommended to the European Commission to add lead to the list of substances for which companies must apply for an authorisation to use. 2040 climate goal: The European Commission is set to recommend a 90% net reduction of greenhouse gases by 2040, Bloomberg reports. The Polish Secretary of State for Climate, Urszula Zielińska, expressed her support for a 90% EU emission reduction target by 2040 at her arrival at the informal meeting of European Environment Ministers on 15 January. In an 18 January analysis by experts of the Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change, it is stated that more efforts are necessary in order for the EU to reach its climate goals of 2030 and 2050. Greens letter to the European Commission: In a letter, dated the 15 January, to the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, the Vice-President in charge of the Green Deal, Maroš Šefčovič, and the Commissioner for Climate Action, Wopke Hoekstra, the political group, the Greens stated that they believe that capture and storage technologies can only have a limited role and should be reserved for the ‘unavoidable emissions of industrial processes’. Batteries production: The European Investment Bank will lend 1 billion euros to Sweden to create the largest battery production capacity outside Asia making it the largest green loan in Europe. Electricity market design reform: On 15 January, the European Parliament’s ITRE Committee adopted the provisional agreements reached on the electricity market reform between the Council and the European Parliament in mid-November and mid-December. Geothermal energy strategy: During the 18 January plenary session, MEPs called on the European Commission to work on a ‘geothermal strategy’ by adopting the report (motion for a Parliament resolution in an own initiative procedure) of Rapporteur Zdzisław Krasnodębski (ECR, Poland). Fluorinated gases Regulation: On 16 January, the European Parliament, in Plenary, approved the Trilogue agreement on the fluorinated gas Regulation. Empowering consumers for the green transition: The European Parliament adopted in Plenary on 17 January the final version of the directive. Single market strategy: In an informal note published on 15 January, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia and Sweden argued for a new horizontal strategy for the single market. Circular Economy: The Commissioner of the Environment, Virginijus Sinkevičius, stated on 16 January, following the informal meeting of ministers on the circular economy, that he was ‘satisfied’ with the circular economy mandate. FEAD news: FEAD is delighted to announce that ‘CÍRCULO – Associação pela Circularidade de Resíduos Especiais’ from Portugal has joined FEAD as a full member. Read our press release on the topic. |
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