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Last updated: February 8, 2024
February 8, 2024

FEAD Responses to Public Consultations

FEAD provided feedback to the Draft Delegated Act on risk management in water reuse in agriculture – 08.02.2024

FEAD provided feedback to the public consultation on the proposal for a 8th Environmental Action Programme – 26.01.2024

FEAD provided feedback to the public consultation on the proposal for a Regulation on preventing plastic pellet losses to reduce microplastic pollution – 17.01.2024

FEAD provided feedback to the public consultation on persistent organic pollutant hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) – 26.12.2023

FEAD provided feedback to the public consultation on the End-of-life vehicles – 04.12.2023

FEAD provided feedback to the public consultation on the WFD targeted revision: textile waste and food waste – 22.11.2023

FEAD provided feedback to the public consultation on the Soil Monitoring Law – 03.11.2023

FEAD provided feedback to the call for commitments on the Textiles Ecosystem Transition Pathway – 29.09.2023

FEAD provided feedback to the call for commitments on the revision of textile labelling rules – 29.09.2023

FEAD provided feedback to the public consultation questionnaire on the revision of the Directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) – 22.09.2023

FEAD provided feedback to the public consultation on industrial carbon management (ICM) – 30.08.2023

FEAD provided feedback to the public consultation on EU emissions trading system (ETS) – 23.08.2023

FEAD provided feedback to the Öko-Institut questionnaire on the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation and the destruction of unsold textiles (ESPR) – 16.08.2023

FEAD provided feedback to the public consultation questionnaire on Polluter Pays Principle (PPP) – 04.08.2023

FEAD provided feedback to the Joint Research Center’s new project on packaging recyclability – 20.07.2023

FEAD provided feedback to the Commission’s proposal on Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) – 29.06.2023

FEAD provided a reply to the public consultation questionnaire on “new product priorities under the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR)” – 12.05.2023

FEAD provided a reply (see the template here) to the JRC consultation on “preparing for re-use and recycling targets” for textile waste – 05.05.2023

FEAD provided feedback to the Commission’s proposal on Sustainable Investment – EU Environmental Taxonomy – 03.05.2023

FEAD provided feedback to the Commission’s proposal on Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation – 24.04.2023

FEAD provided feedback to the Commission’s proposal on the certification of carbon removals – 23.03.2023

FEAD provided a reply to the Commission’s ‘Public Consultation on the revision of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive – 14.03.2023

FEAD provided a reply to the Commission’s ‘Public Consultation on the revision of EU rules on food contact materials (FCMs) – 11.01.2023

FEAD provided feedback to the Commission’s Call for Evidence/Fitness Check on the Polluter Pays Principle (PPP) – 09.12.2022

FEAD provided a reply to the Commission’s Call for Evidence questionnaire on the Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMs), along with feedback – 25.11.2022

FEAD provided feedback on the Commission’s Call for evidence for an evaluation of the WEEE Directive – 03.11.2022

FEAD provided feedback to the JRC consultation on End of Waste criteria for plastic waste – 31.08.2022

FEAD provided a reply to the Public Consultation questionnaire on the revision of the Waste Framework Directive (WFD), and a feedback – 16.08.2022

FEAD provided feedback to the Commission adopted proposal for the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) – 12.07.2022

FEAD provided feedback to the Commission adopted proposal for the Revision of Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) – 23.06.2022

FEAD provided feedback to the Commission’s Sustainable Products Initiative – 22.06.2022

FEAD provided a reply to the public consultation “Survey on microplastics” – 17.05.2022

FEAD provided feedback to the JRC workshop “Assessment of the definition of recycling” – 05.05.2022

FEAD contributed to the public consultation on the certification of carbon removals – 02.05.2022

FEAD provided a reply to to the public consultation questionnaire on the “Revision of REACH Regulation to help achieve a toxic-free environment” – 15.04.2022

FEAD provided feedback to the Commission Stakeholder Workshop on “Impact Assessment of ELV Directive” – 12.04.2022

FEAD provided feedback to the JRC Workshop on “Separate collection of municipal solid waste – citizen involvement and behavioural aspects” – 08.04.2022

FEAD response to the ECHA survey on the SCIP database – 24.03.2022

FEAD provided a reply to the public consultation questionnaire on a “Policy framework on biobased, biodegradable, and compostable plastics” and also a feedback. – 15.03.2022

FEAD provided feedback to the call for evidence for the revision of the RoHS Directive – 14.03.2022

FEAD provided feedback to the Commission’s initiative for amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1009 on the requirements applicable to EU fertilising products – 09.03.2022

FEAD provided feedback to the call for evidence for the revision of the Waste Framework Directive – 22.02.2022

FEAD provided feedback to the JRC Expert consultation about separate waste collection – 24.01.2022

FEAD provided feedback to the draft Commission Regulation on recycled plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foods – 18.01.2022

FEAD provided feedback to the WSR revision – 17.01.2022

FEAD provided feedback to the GBER amendments – 29.11.2021

FEAD provided feedback to the fit for 55 package – 18.11.2021

FEAD provided a reply to the public consultation on the targeted revision of the Regulation on Classification, Labelling and Packaging of Substances and Mixtures (CLP) – 15.11.2021

FEAD provided feedback to the JRC study on separate waste collection – 15.11.2021

FEAD feedback to the Roadmap for the policy framework on biobased, biodegradable, and compostable plastics. – 27.10.2021

FEAD reply to the survey on the End of Life Vehicles Directive revision. – 26.10.2021
Responses to Questionnaire

FEAD feedback on the draft Correspondents’ guidelines No. 12 on the classification of plastic waste. – 18.10.2021

FEAD reply to the consultation about “Scoping and developing further end-of-waste (EoW) and by-product (BP) criteria” – 07.10.2021

FEAD feedback to the Platform on Sustainable Finance on preliminary recommendations for technical screening criteria for the EU taxonomy (2nd Delegated Act) – 28.09.2021
FEAD TSC – Consolidated proposal

FEAD response to JRC’s “Assessment of the definition of recycling” letter, survey – 14.09.2021

FEAD Reply to the Sustainable Platform report on an “extended Taxonomy” – 07.09.2021

FEAD Reply to DG GROW survey on the “Technical, Regulatory, Economic and Environmental Effectiveness of Textile Fibres Recycling” – 09.08.2021

FEAD Reply to EU Public consultation on potential measures for regulating the environmental impact of mobile phones and tablets – 03.08.2021

FEAD Reply to EU Public Consultation on the EU Strategy for Sustainable Textiles – 03.08.2021

FEAD Feedback on the draft Climate, Energy and Environment State Aid Guidelines – 02.08.2021

FEAD Feedback on DG RTD Survey in support of the Commission services’ work on the definition of Safe and Sustainable by Design criteria for chemicals and materials – 29.06.2021

FEAD feedback on the Commission Implementing Decision on EU rules on calculating, verifying and reporting data on separate collection of single-use plastic beverage bottles – 28.06.2021

FEAD feedback on the revision of EU legislation on hazard classification, labelling and packaging of chemicals – 01.06.2021

FEAD feedback on the revision of REACH Regulation to help achieve a toxic-free environment – 01.06.2021

FEAD feedback on the Roadmap for the review of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive – 06.05.2021

FEAD reply on the EC proposal of Regulation on batteries and batteries’ waste – 01.03.2021

FEAD Reply to Sewage Sludge Targeted Consultations – 28.02.2021

FEAD reply to the EU strategy for sustainable textiles – 02.02.2021

FEAD reply on the new European Commission initiative – Designing mobile phones and tablets to be sustainable – ecodesign – 27.01.2021

FEAD feedback to the EC proposal for Decision on the 8th Environment Action Programme (EAP) – 31.12.2020

FEAD position on the delegated act on climate mitigation activities under the Sustainable Investment Regulation (“Taxonomy”) – 18.12.2020

FEAD feedback to the EC Roadmap on State aid for environmental protection and energy 2014-2020 – 10.12.2020

FEAD feedback on the EC Roadmap on National emissions reduction targets (Effort Sharing Regulation) – 26.11.2020

FEAD feedback on the EC Roadmap upon updating the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) – 25.11.2020

FEAD feedback to the EC Roadmap on the Revision of the ELV Directive – 18.11.2020

FEAD feedback to the EC Roadmap on Sustainable Products – 30.10.2020

FEAD Feedback to Eunomia Recycled content Questionnaire – 28.10.2020

FEAD feedback to the EU Action Plan Towards a Zero Pollution Ambition for
air, water and soil
– 26.10.2020

FEAD feedback to the EC Roadmap on the Industrial pollution – European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (updated rules) – 21.10.2020

FEAD feedback to the EC Roadmap on the Revision of Directive (EU) 2018/2001 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources – 21.09.2020

FEAD feedback to the EC Roadmap on the Review of the Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency – 21.09.2020

FEAD feedback to the EC Roadmap on Empowering the Consumer for the Green Transition – 01.09.2020

FEAD feedback to the legislative proposal on substantiating green claims – 31.08.2020

FEAD feedback to the EC Initiative on the evaluation of the Sewage Sludge Directive (SSD) – 25.08.2020

FEAD feedback to the Roadmap on the Review of the Construction Products Regulation – 19.08.2020

FEAD feedback to update of concentration limit values of Persistent organic pollutants in waste – 07.08.2020

FEAD feedback to the Initiative on the Review of the Requirements for Packaging and Other Measures to Prevent Packaging Waste – 06.08.2020

FEAD feedback to the EC Initiative on the EU Methane Strategy – 05.08.2020

FEAD feedback to the EC Questionnaire on the Waste Shipment Regulation – 30.07.2020

FEAD feedback on the draft delegated act to implement the Basel Convention’s changes – 22.07.2020

FEAD feedback to the EC Roadmap on Batteries ‐ modernising EU rules – 03.07.2020

FEAD feedback to the Chemicals strategy for sustainability – 19.06.2020

FEAD feedback to the EC Renovation Wave initiative for public and private buildings – 08.06.2020

FEAD feedback to the public consultation on the EC Roadmap for an EU Smart Sector Integration Strategy – 08.06.2020

FEAD feedback on the Commission Delegated Regulation on a climate change mitigation and adaptation taxonomy – 27.04.2020

FEAD feedback on the EU rules on industrial emissions – revision – 20.04.2020

FEAD feedback on the 2030 Climate Target Plan – 15.04.2020

FEAD response to the Waste Shipment Regulation Evaluation – 08.04.2020

FEAD feedback for the public consultation on the Roadmap for the revision of the EU Energy Taxation Directive – 01.04.2020

FEAD feedback for the public consultation on the Roadmap for a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism – 01.04.2020

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