GRINNER x Batteries Roundtable | The challenges of lithium battery fires in the management of e-waste

The GRINNER Project and Batteries Roundtable Members (WEEE Forum, EuRIC, FEAD, EUCOBAT, Municipal Waste Europe, WEEELABEX) are organising a roundtable on ‘The challenges of lithium battery fires in the management of e-waste’ on 18 February in Brussels.
Time: From 9.30 AM to 3PM
Location: FEAD | European Waste Management Association, Rue de la Science 23, 1040 Brussels
Combining the knowledge of the Batteries Roundtable Members and the insights of GRINNER project, this event will revolve around the know-how of fire prevention for waste management facilities, especially on electronic waste.
Hear from #allactors involved in e-waste handling!
Learn more of why these fires occur and the related challenges faced by the industry.
Discover successful case studies holistically addressing the topic and how new AI-based technologies may ultimately help in preventing fires caused by batteries in e-waste.
We invite Producer Responsibility Organisations for WEEE and batteries, e-waste management operators and suppliers, preparing for re-use operators, AI and new technologies for e-waste sorting companies, insurance industry, firefighting services and any other organisations involved in e-waste management to share good practices for tackling battery fires to participate.