By Fead-team
July 8, 2024 2min Read

NEWSLETTER N° 179 – 08 JULY 2024

Last week, the Hungary Presidency of the Council of the European Union began, and the EU Strategic Agenda 2024-2029 was published. It’s time to see how Hungary will influence EU policies over the next six months.
At FEAD, we’ve been busy with the publication of the third edition of our digital magazine.

Strategic Agenda 2024-2029: Adopted on 27 June, the Strategic Agenda 2024-2029 includes three main aims: a free and democratic Europe, a strong and secure Europe, and a prosperous and competitive Europe. 

Ecodesign of Sustrainable Products Regulation (ESPR): On 28 June, the ESPR was published in the Official Journal of the EU. It will enter into force on 18 July 2024. 

Net-Zero Emissions Act (NZIA): On 28 June, the NZIA was published in the EU Official Journal. 

Emissions Trading Systems consultation (ETS): On 01 July, the European Commission opened a public consultation on a draft implementing Regulation open until 29 July. 

Green Deal – call for tenders: In Mid-June, the European Commission published a call for tenders which aims to identify, analyse and specify implementation bottlenecks of investments in environment, climate and energy; and to propose improvements to overcome the identified implementation bottlenecks and reach the objectives of the Green Deal. 

State Aid consultation: On 01 July, the European Commission launched a targeted consultation ona proposed new procedure aimed to give public access to judicial procedures to challenge specific decisions on State aid measures that allegedly contravene EU environmental law. 

European Environmental Bureau (EEB) Memorandum to the Hungarian Presidency: On 01 July, the NGO published its Memorandum to the Hungarian Presidency as it does for each Presidency each six months. 

European Environment Agency: On 27 June, the European Environment Agency published a report titled ‘Europe’s Sustainability Transitions Outlook’. 

How to strengthen EU’s competitiveness – study: On 04 July, BusinessEurope published a study titled ‘How to strengthen EU’s competitiveness’ which aims to analyse ‘the EU energy system’s transition towards 2050 and its impact on EU competitiveness, and to assess how Europe can achieve its climate and energy targets in a cost-effective way, while being internationally competitive’. 

Hungarian Presidency: This week, on 01 July, the first week of the Hungarian’s Presidency of the Council of the EU began. 

Informal meeting of environment ministers: An Informal meeting of environment ministers will take place on 11 and 12 July. 

Civil EU Presidency: On 3 July, in parallel with the start of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council, several Hungarian associations and other European NGOs such as the European Environment Bureau, launched the Civil EU Presidency. 

European Council President: On 1 July, the decision electing António Costa as President of the European Council was published in the Official Journal of the EU.

FEAD News: The third edition of FEAD’s digital magazine has been published! 
Last week, FEAD’s Senior Legal and Policy Officer, Aizea Astor-Hoschen, participated to the Ecodesign preparatory study.