By Fead-team
April 29, 2024 3min Read

NEWSLETTER N° 169 – 29 April 2024

It’s a wrap for the EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation! The Parliament adopted the PPWR under the accelerated corrigendum procedure, leaving the floor to the Council to validate the text. 
Our telenovela on the mass balance approach for the calculation of recycled content in plastic bottles ends in disappointment as tragedy strikes with the European Parliament rejecting the Greens’ motion for resolution during the Plenary session. However, the Parliament also validated the agreement on the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation.

Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR): On 24 April, the European Parliament adopted new measures to make packaging more sustainable and reduce packaging waste in the EU. 

Chemical Recycling: On 24 April, the European Parliament rejected the Greens’ motion for a resolution against the European Commission’s draft Implementing Act for the calculation of recycled plastic content in single-use plastic beverage bottles under the Single-Use Plastics Directive. 
FEAD, in collaboration with a coalition of NGOs and businesses, published a joint letter ahead of the vote explaining why the Commission’s draft, in its current form, ‘would create an uneven playing field between recycling technologies, favour technologies with a higher environmental impact, mislead consumers when taking allegedly sustainable purchasing decisions due to structural greenwashing and therefore contradict the objective of the Single Use Plastic Directive to promote the transition to a circular economy’.

Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR): On 23 April, the European Parliament validated the agreement on the Ecodesign Regulation. 

Classification, Labelling and Packaging of substances and mixtures Regulation (CLP): On 23 April, the European Parliament adopted the revision of the Regulation. 

Preventing plastic pellet losses to reduce Microplastics pollution: On 23 April, the European Parliament adopted its position on the microplastics Regulation. 

Communication from the Commission on chemicals: On 22 April, the Commission published a Communication which clarified the concept of ‘essential use’ when dealing with a hazardous substance. 

Lithium battery recycling process: On 22 April, the Parliament published the ‘Answer given by Mr Sinkevičius on behalf of the European Commission’ to MEP Benoît Lutgen’s (EPP, Belgium) written question on ‘Fires during the lithium battery recycling process’. 

Net-Zero Industry Act: On 25 April, in Strasbourg, the European Parliament validated the agreement reached in Trillogue with the Council. 

Feedstock for the production of biofuels and biogas: On 23 April, during the plenary, the European Parliament rejected the motion objecting to the draft text presented by the Commission in March.

Sustainable Carbon non-paper: On 16 April, The Netherlands, France, the Czech Republic and Ireland, published a ‘non-paper’ calling for an European policy package on sustainable carbon.

Carbon Market: Reuters reports that the European Union is looking into bringing emission removal credits into its carbon market.

Nitrates Pollution Directive: On 19 April, the European Commission opened a consultation on the Netherland’s proposal (and its annex) to amend the directive on the protection of water against pollution by nitrates from agricultural sources.

Air quality Directive: On April 24, the European Parliament approved the agreement on the revision of the Air Quality Directive

Climate change cost: On 17 April, Reuters reports that a German government-backed research by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) has found that damage to farming, infrastructure, productivity, and health from climate change will cost an estimated 38 trillion dollars per year by 2050. 

CO2 Storage and Transport Agreement: According to the Carbon Herald, on 17 April, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden signed an agreement with Norway, to set up a framework for the transporting and storing of carbon dioxide in the North Sea region.

European Competivity: Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission, announced on 23 April, during a hearing in the European Parliament, her vision for Europe’s competitiveness. 

Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDD): On 24 April, the European Parliament adopted the new ‘Due Diligence’ Directive. 

EU-Japan strategic partnership Agreement (SPA): On 22 April, the Council adopted a decision on the conclusion of the Strategic Partnership Agreement  between the EU and Japan. 

La France Insoumise, chemicals and the 2024 European Elections: The French leftist party ‘La France Insoumise’ has published their programme in which an entire chapter is dedicated to ‘European ecological planning‘.

ACR+ 2030 vision: On 17 April, ACR+, the network of cities and regions on sustainable resource management, published their vision for 2030 as well as their strategy. 

European Commission: On 23 April, the European Commission announced that Jan Dusik, former State Secretary for Climate in the Czech Republic, will join the Directorate-General for Climate Action as deputy director-general.