By Fead-team
November 27, 2023 2min Read


Hello from Brussels. Last weekend was happily welcomed by all (and especially enjoyed by Frederique Ries), as the week had been a busy one, with Parliament voting on PPWR and NZIA. Find out more below. 

Enjoy the pictures from our conference on PFAS at the start of the month on our website.

Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR): The European Parliament adopted its position on packaging and packaging waste, which constitutes Parliament’s mandate for Trilogue negotiations, with 426 votes in favour, 125 against and 74 abstentions. 
FEAD published a press release where we state that, though we welcome the adoption of the position on PPWR, we are looking forward to ‘improvements during the inter-institutional negotiations’ and we are ‘confident in the role of the Council, which can further support the European recycling and waste management sector to become a stable and sustainable reality in the long term.’ 

Net-Zero Emissions Act (NZIA): The European Parliament adopted its position on NZIA. 

Dangerous goods carriage: FEAD’s proposal on the carriage of waste in inner packaging packed together in an outer packaging has been validated by the WP.15 and the RID Committee of experts this month.

Soil Monitoring Law (SML): The Environment Committee (ENVI) hopes to adopt its report on 7 March, stated Pascal Canfin (Renew Europe, France), president of the Committee, on November 20 during the ENVI Committee meeting

Renewable Energy Directive (RED): On 20 November 2023, the Directive entered into force. 

Waste from electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE): On 21 November 2023, the Council and the European Parliament reached an agreement on the proposed amendments on the collection and management of certain WEEE, in line with the ruling of the European Court of Justice of last year. 

Taxonomy: On 21 November 2023, the delegated regulation on environmental taxonomy was published in the Official Journal of the EU and will apply as of January 2024. 

Regulation on carbon removal certifications: On 17 November, the Council adopted its negotiating mandate on the first EU-level certification framework for carbon removals. 

Energy State aid Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework: On 20 November, the Commission announced that it was extending by six months State aid framework due to soaring energy prices particularly on energy bills. 

Environmental crime: The European Environmental Bureau released a press release on the 16 November agreement on environmental crime. 

Air Pollution: The European Commission sent nine reasoned opinions, in its monthly infringement package, to Bulgaria, Ireland, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Austria, Portugal and Sweden for non-compliance with their obligations under EU law. 

International Plastics Treaty: From 13 to 19 November, the intergovernmental negotiating committee (INC) discussed the first draft of an international treaty against plastic pollution. 

The Innovation Fund:An delegated regulation was published on November 20 in the Official Journal of the EU.

The Modernisation Fund:An implementing regulation was published in the Official Journal of the EU on 23 November. 

Social Green and Digital Transition: The Foreign Affairs Council, approved on 21 November, the conclusions a social, green and digital transition. 

Climate finance: The Council approved, on 23 November, the 2022 international climate finance figures in preparation for the COP28. 

European Parliament: On 22 November, Members of the European Parliament voted in favour of a reform of the European Treaties