Explanatory and Guidance document on Waste Incineration BREF and BAT conclusions
Despite being part of a more comprehensive document, the Waste Incineration BREF, BAT conclusions are meant to be a stand-alone document that serves as a reference for permits. However, practical information which will be necessary for their implementation is missing from the document and is not otherwise available to the main users of BAT conclusions – plant operators and competent authorities.
For this reason, CEWEP, ESWET, FEAD and Euroheat & Power, the organisations that participated in the Technical Working Group for the review of the Waste Incineration BREF, decided to publish a Guidance document. It consists of a main document, an executive summary and 7 annexes, and aims to explain the most difficult issues which are left unaddressed , the needed contextual information and some proposals and forms to fill in that can be useful for the implementation and harmonisation of Waste Incineration BAT conclusions.
The guidance documents can be found here.