Our focus & priorities
Our members represent the entire waste management value chain, offer a holistic overview on the industry, and focus on providing a second life to waste and resource.
FEAD – Representing the entire value chain
Vision 2030
Shifting Europe’s overall material use towards recycled materials through industrial excellence in waste management.
To supply the European economy with secondary raw materials and energy, while managing waste in a safe and environmentally responsible way.
To support the European Union’s ambition to double its Circular Material Use Rate (CMUR) in this decade.
FEAD Manifesto
A European Industrial Deal must be the priority for the next term of the European Institutions to make Europe’s industry sustainable, competitive and circular.
Setting a long-term vision on the use of circular resources.
Why Europe needs a Circular Material Use Act
Our top priorities
Our priorities promote the transition towards a more circular society and reflect the key policies that drive change in the field of waste management.
Foster resource efficiency
Recycle as much as possible, yet recognise that not all waste can be recycled either technically nor economically at this moment in time
Recover energy and construction materials from non-recyclable and non-compostable wastes in waste-to-energy facilities
Introduce mandatory recycled content requirements, to build on proposals for PET bottles, to create strong European markets for recycled materials
Improve the recyclability of products through eco-design and reduce of substances of concern, and where needed, to contribute to efficient EPR schemes
Ensure the implementation of existing recycling targets at national level
Use eco-labelling to empower consumer decision making
Leverage public sector buying power through obligatory green public procurement
Accelerate programmes designed to strengthen regulatory enforcement to help all EU Member States reach their recycling targets
Encourage private sector investment in the circular economy
Enforce Single Market rules on state aid
Open up household waste markets to competition and give private entities a level playing field
Abolish the principle of unanimity in the process of negotiations related to VAT harmonisation in the European Union