Mérieux NutriSciences Italia Workshop, 21 September 2023
Technological innovation at the service of reclamation
A pilot monitoring trial began in 2023 at the contaminated site of the Former Landfill in Chioggia, already the subject of a Remediation project managed by the Commissario Straordinario Bonificazioni Discariche Abusive (Extraordinary Commissioner for the Remediation of Abusive Landfills). The chemical risk assessment showed that threshold values were exceeded for several pollutants, including asbestos.
Therefore, a pilot test for asbestos remediation was conducted on the site and, at the same time, an Environmental Monitoring Plan was drawn up to confirm or adjust the chemical risk assessment for the workers involved.
The objective of the Workshop is to present the results of this activity, conducted also thanks to the use of innovative methods and technologies, both in terms of the extent of the work and the procedures employed.
Important information:
Location: Remtech – Ferrara
Room: Planet Room
Date: 21 September 2023
Time: 2.00 p.m.
Free Entrance
Language: Italian