27/02 > 27/02   |   2018


Past event

A high-level Forum organised by FEAD and EURACTIV – Plastics Strategy: Challenges and Opportunities of Recycling

Tuesday 27 February | 16:00 – 19:00
EURACTIV Network Office, Boulevard Charlemagne 1, 1041 Brussels

The “Plastics Strategy: Challenges and opportunities of recycling” event, was held on 27 February, 16.00 – 19.00, in Brussels! This event was organised as a EURACTIV Forum event supported by FEAD.

FEAD welcomes the publication of the European Commission’s  Plastics Strategy as part of a broader Circular Economy initiative. The transition from a linear to a more circular economy is vital if the European Union is to develop a sustainable, low carbon, resource efficient and competitive economy in the future.

Commissioner Vella participated to the event: his speech is available here. He was also interviewed by EURACTIV on the Plastics Strategy: the video is available here

FEAD Vice-President Cesare Spreafico highlighted the challenges and opportunities of recycling: his speech is available here

A video of the event, with interviews of the speakers and panellists, is available here. EURACTIV also published an article summarising the discussions of the event, available here.

The photos from the event can be found here

Event webpage