ETS and incinerators, black smoke at the second trilogue between the EU institutions
Ricicla News – 11 October 2022 – European waste management companies, for their part, have always criticised the approach taken by Parliament’s plenary, fully embracing the position agreed on 28 June by EU environment ministers. According to FEAD “the Council’s proposal ensures that the appropriate decision is taken, especially considering the fact that ‘waste to energy’ solutions avoid even more CO2 emissions than they generate”, writes the association in a position paper, recalling that operational incineration plants are responsible today for “just 1% of the global budget of climate-changing gases in Europe”. , while ensuring safe treatment and avoiding landfilling of 100 million tonnes of residual waste every year. Elements that for FEAD must be analyzed and included in an impact assessment that precedes any possible modification of the ETS and that also takes into account similar measures already adopted by some Member States under the Effort Sharing Regulation. “Any regulatory solution to ETS, whether national or European, should be addressed as part of an EU-wide reflection to avoid distortions in the level playing field across Europe,” commented Peter Kurth, President of FEAD.