By Fead-team
July 16, 2024 2min Read

NEWSLETTER N° 180 – 16 JULY 2024

This week, at the European Parliament, political groups are preparing for the vote on the next President of the European Commission next Thursday.
At FEAD, we’ve been busy with the publication of the third volume of our digital magazine!

European Commission future president: As reported by Politico, the Members of the European Parliament will decide the future European Commission’s president on 18 July. 

Chemical recycling: The French chemical recycling plant of Eastman was officially classified as a project of major national interest on 5 July by a decree.

Hydrogen valleys: In a European Commission Staff Working document, it is stated that the Commission plans to establish a ‘hydrogen valley facility’ with the aim of accelerating the number of hydrogen valleys in Europe. 

Batteries for electric vehicles: In a joint statement published on 9 July, several corporate renewable energy buyers, producers, and energy transition associations called on EU Member States and the European Commission ahead of finalising the ‘Draft Delegated Act Batteries for electric vehicles – carbon footprint methodology’ to recognise power purchase agreements (PPAs) for reducing the carbon footprint of electricity used in battery manufacturing.

Green steel in vehicles: A new analysis by the Transport & Environment organisation shows that steel made with green hydrogen and electric arc furnaces, or produced from scrap, can reduce the CO2 emissions of producing cars in Europe by 6.9 Mt in 2030. 

Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDD): On 28 June, the CSDD was published in the Official Journal of the EU. 

PFAS: The Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Europe published a study focused on PFAS in drinking water on 10 July. 

Electricity supply security policy: The Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER), in a co-signed report, are calling on the EU to integrate security of supply in EU policies with flexibility. 

Directive on right to repair: The text has been published in the Official Journal of the EU on 10 July. Member States have until 31 July 2026 to transpose its provisions into national law. 

European Parliament – Patriots group: On 8 July, the creation of the European political group the ‘Patriots for Europe’ was made official. Jordan Bardella will be the chairman of the group.

FEAD News: This week, we published the third volume of our digital magazine ‘Unlocking the circular economy’s potential’! Read it now.