By Fead-team
December 18, 2023 2min Read


Hello from Brussels. While the city’s transportation system has been struggling to keep up with the sudden snow, the election train has been chugging along. Both the Greens and the EPP seem to be finalising their election strategies drafting and sending notes to various governing bodies.
At FEAD, we’ve been busy welcoming our new member from Portugal, CÍRCULO. Read our press release
Haven’t read the second volume of our digital magazine yet? Read it now

Waste Shipment Regulation (WSR): COREPER I met on 6 December and confirmed the provisional agreement reached by the Council and the European Parliament during the third round of Trilogues. The agreement text was published on 15 December.

Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR): The Environment Council is meeting today, Monday 18 December, to agree on a general approach that will serve as a negotiating mandate for Trilogues. 

Critical Raw Materials Act (CRM): On 12 December, the European Parliament approved the agreement on critical raw materials reached during the Trilogues in mid-November. 

Renewable Energy Directive (RED): A European Commission report on the application of Article 5 of the RED was published on 11 December. 

Hydrogen bank: The European Parliament adopted a report on the European Hydrogen Bank on 14 December.

Microplastics: Rapporteur João Albuquerque’s (S&D, Portugual) draft report on the prevention of plastic pellet losses to reduce microplastic pollution has been published.

Plastic Recycling: EuCertPlast and RecyClass have reached an agreement on the future development of certification for plastic recyclers. 

Internal markets for renewable and natural gases and for hydrogen: The Council and the Parliament reached an agreement on a Regulation that establishes common internal market rules for renewable and natural gases and hydrogen. 

Environmental Crime Directive: The new Environmental Crime Directive final Compromise text has been agreed on. 

Construction Products Regulation (CPR): On 13 December, the Council and the European Parliament reached an agreement on the CPR. 

Recovery fund: On 8 November, the Council adopted implementing decisions approving the amended recovery and resilience plans of Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Poland and Romania. 

Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD): On 12 December, the Council and the European Parliament reached a deal on the Directive, which set obligations and penalties for large companies to ensure that their business model and strategy comply with the Paris agreement.

Reform of electricity market design: The Council and the Parliament reached an agreement to reform the EU’s electricity market design (EMD).  

Waste Electrical and Electric Equipment (WEEE): Eunomia Research and Consulting released a report on the management of WEEE in Greece for the European Electronics Recyclers Association (EERA). 

COP28: On 13 December, the COP28 released its declaration. This declaration mentions the transitioning away from of fossil fuels in the energy systems. 

Belgium Presidency: On 8 December, Alexander de Croo presented the programme of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU and discussed the Green Deal: ‘the Green Deal is a good set of regulations’. 

European Commission: Margrethe Vestager announced that she will return to the European Commission after dropping out of the race to becoming head of the European International Bank. 

FEAD news: FEAD has released the video recap of our conference on PFAS in waste on 8 November at ECOMONDO. The executive summary of the study was also published on our website.